Don’t be a Carbon Copy, Make Your Own Impression: Part 2

WebEx Meeting

Learn how to successfully transition to high school, with tips on time management, course scheduling, and engaging teachers/guidance counselors. This workshop is open to incoming high school students and their parents. If you missed part one of this workshop and would like to watch it, send us an email at  Click Here to Register

The Big Jump: Transitioning from High School to College

WebEx Meeting

College will require a different "you" - and this goes for students and their families. Join us as we explore some of the big differences between high school and college, and discuss what students and parents can do now to ensure you not only enroll in college, but graduate. Lastly, we will provide you with […]

Countdown to College

Learn about applying to college, financing your education, and much more! Get the "insider's perspective". Information and tips about admissions in general, as well as in the time of COVID, will be shared. Facilitated by Jesica Rueda, Rutgers University-Newark Office of Admissions

Countdown to College

WebEx Meeting

Learn about applying to college, financing your education, and much more! Get the "insider's perspective". Information and tips about admissions in general, as well as in the time of COVID, will be shared. Facilitated by Leigh LeBlanc, Berkeley College Office of Admissions

Debunking Myths About Financial Aid

WebEx Meeting

High school students, families, transfer students, and school counselors are invited to join us to learn more about: - The FAFSA application process - Information needed to file the FAFSA - Valuable financial aid info and deadlines - Rutgers-Newark's "RU-N to the Top" Financial Aid scholarship - Important updates related to COVID-19 Facilitated by the […]

It’s Still Time to Apply: Conquering College Through a Pandemic

WebEx Meeting

​Join NCLC, the Newark Public Library, and Berkeley College for a free virtual workshop on WebEx this Wednesday, August 19, 2020 at 5 pm. We will be talking about applying to college during the pandemic. Must register to participate. Please note that this workshop is open to Newark residents only.   GIVEAWAY! One attendee will be entered to win a […]

NJ HESAA Secondary School Counselor Training Institute

The below workshops are for school counselors and financial aid professionals only. If you should have specific financial aid questions, please email Fall 2020 Secondary School Counselor Training Institute Registration   HESAA is pleased to announce that registration is now open for the 2020 Virtual Secondary School Counselor Training Institute and, as always, is […]