Previous NCLC Executive Director Featured on the NJBIZ 2019 Education Power 50 List
NCLC Executive Director, Reginald Lewis, was recognized as one of NJ’s 2019 Education Power 50 by NJBIZ.
The leaders profiled in the Education Power 50 list are responsible for managing organizations, making policies that directly affect the institutions, or are themselves directly responsible for imparting knowledge to students, apprentices, and the citizenry at large. Those featured include teachers, administrators, executives, and public officials. While each of their backgrounds are varied, their work is all focused on the same goal: Making New Jerseyans smarter about the world around them. In that way, they all help make the state a better place to live, work, and do business.
See the full Education Power 50 list here.
Read Reginald Lewis’ feature here.